
Small But Mighty 2024

WE (Veronique) was selected for Small But Mighty 2024. The exhibition, established by the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE) received a huge number of entries, from which Guest Selector James Arnold of the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, chose a selection of over 300 works.

The artworks span printmaking mediums from intaglio, relief, digital, screenprint, letterpress and embossing and show printmaking used in a diverse way.

What they all have in common is their size – with all work being under 50cm, the exhibition demonstrates the mighty impact works can have despite their small size.

The ‘WE’ series celebrates unity in difference; a reaction to increasingly tumultuous times when divisions between race, religion, gender and wealth are being exploited and polarised. Each screen print is an optimistic celebration of individualism, treating people as names not numbers.

“We are waves of the same sea”

WE (Veronique)
One-off screenprint on paper (1/1)
31 x 43cm

Sold, but other prints from the WE series are available here.

19th September 2024

File under: Art