Mail Art
Whilst studying graphic design back in the early 90’s, myself and Katy Etherington were inspired by some creative mail art shown to us by our tutor, the late Jon Newman.
So we set about creating our own over the Summer holidays.
The challenge was to send each other a piece of mail art each day for 50 days. Bear in mind personal computing back then meant an Amstrad, so these designs were all hand made using nothing more than stationery, found objects and a photocopier.
Some were good, some were bad. Some got lost, some amazingly got through (2p + 5p = 25p?). The postmen said it brightened their day and I got a visit from an anti-terrorism investigator (we had a chat, he was fine about it in the end).

Above: 25 ways to stick on a stamp without licking it.
Below: By number 41 the postmen were so familiar with our game they knew where to deliver them without needing to work it out. Should have done that one earlier.

Above: I must have been running out of money by number 46.
Below: One of my favourites that didn’t get through.