Design for Print

We love paper and print.

Whether it’s litho, digital, letterpress, screen printing, riso, foil blocking, rubber stamps or any other form of mark making, there is something about the look, feel and the tactile involvement you get with printed materials that you never get from a screen.

Plus, there are contrasting physical effects. Compared to the strain put on our vision from too much screen time, print is very literally, easier on the eye.

Gone in (waaay less than) sixty seconds

But it’s not just about what print looks and feels like that sets it apart from online communication. Information we see on screen is fleeting. Social media posts quickly replaced by the continuous flow of new content. A browser closed and web banners forgotton. Printed materials, on the other hand, tend to linger. For days, weeks, months or even years, if you make them extraordinary.

And print doesn’t have to cost the earth, either. We work with environmentally friendly printers, papers and inks to make the right sort of impact.

We’re not trying to make this a print vs digital fight. The internet has revolutionised communication, even more than the first printing press did in the 1400s. But print isn’t dead, and the more it gets ignored as part of the marketing mix, the more powerful a tool it becomes for those who remain switched on… shhh, let’s keep that little secret to ourselves, shall we?